Dawn's Divine Light
With Dawn Stacey Wedge
Hi! I'm Dawn!
​I'm here to help and support YOU! I've been on such and incredible journey and have been gifted some incredible techniques and modalities which are available to you too!
I'm here to help 'open the hearts’ of others and help people to 'go within' and rediscover their own unique connection.​​
About Me
Dawn Stacey Wedge is a spiritual connection coach, a devoted friend, and a loving parent who understands the balance between nurturing a family while pursuing a meaningful career.
As a parent of two wonderful children, including one who is autistic and nonverbal, Dawn has experienced the profound growth that can come from life’s challenges. Through these experiences Dawn felt called to help others move beyond trauma, release what no longer serves them, and embrace a journey that is deeply fulfilling.
Her experiences have strengthened her commitment to helping others connect with their higher selves and inner wisdom, while building a life that honours family, purpose, and authenticity.
In the Divine Guidance Ascension Circle and Spiritual Expansion Beta Testing programme, Dawn blends the Law of Attraction with the Law of Vibration, helping her clients align and become a vibrational match to their desired outcomes and highest available timelines.
This unique approach empowers individuals to safely connect with their highest potential, welcoming a life filled with positivity, purpose, and alignment with their true selves.
Dawn teaches how to be in alignment with the energy of your desired outcomes, using processes and techniques that have been divinely guided to her.
When we are divinely guided, we are able to make decisions that serve our greatest good.
Work with Dawn
Divinely Guided ways to work with Dawn