About Dawn
Dawn Stacey Wedge,
Spiritual Connection Coach
From a young age, I knew I was different. I experienced ‘funny feelings,’ where I would feel disconnected from myself and the world. It was like being in two places at once. Physically present but part of me was somewhere else. I'd have visions of people and places that I didn't recognise or understand. My family thought there was something wrong with me, and naturally I did my best to push these feelings away.
It was shortly after I had my first session of going beyond the veil in March 2023 that my gifts were reactivated. I became ‘connected’ to my spirit guides and angels. I found that I would just ‘know’ things. I started to ‘channel’ messages and receive guidance. I was shown that my true path and purpose was to ‘open the hearts of others.’ And help them to re discover their own unique connection. Through my guides I have learned that everyone has the capability to connect to their own spirit guides. I was shown and given techniques to use and share to help people ‘connect’ and go within.
Life Before my Spiritual Awakening
I was in a place of fear. I didn't enjoy life, and I wasn't in a happy place, honestly, I was struggling.
My youngest son is autistic and nonverbal. Every day I felt that I was failing him when I couldn't find a suitable school place for him. I'd spent most of 2022 fighting for a place in a school for children with special needs. After being unsuccessful, George was left without any provision, and stayed at home with me, day and night, needing full supervision I'm staying up through the night. He was becoming frustrated through lack of routine. It was so hard. I felt like I was losing myself and my life was massively restricted. I couldn't have a moment to myself which was suffocating and I felt completely helpless.
I hit my all-time low. I had never felt so alone, helpless and frustrated. I remember getting on my hands and knees in the kitchen and saying out loud ‘my soul is dying; I need help now. Please help me?’
I heard a Voice in my head:
‘It doesn't have to be this way.’
‘I love you.’
‘Nothing stays the same forever, trust me.’
I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I no longer felt alone. Something changed within me in that moment.
The next day a healing modality was brought into my awareness, and I invested in myself and my well-being for the first time in my life. I became part of a supportive community. I was able to identify the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I learned how to heal and release what was holding me back, and that's when my reality began to shift.
In a short space of time little miracle started to happen. George was given a suitable school place, and I had time for myself.
During these quiet times I found myself remembering the ‘funny feelings’ I used to have as a child. I began to feel curious. I began to realise that what I’d ‘closed down,’ was actually a gift.
Going Beyond the Veil came into my awareness. A healing modality that connects you with your spirit guides and crossed over loved ones. I didn't know how it worked or what to expect, but as soon as I saw it in a Facebook ad, something inside me whispered ‘this is for you.’
I booked my session, and this is when everything changed. During the session my gifts were reignited, my connection re -established, and immediately afterwards the ‘knowing’ returned.
I began meditating with the intention of connecting to my spiritual team for guidance love and support. I received messages for myself as well as other people and discovered I could channel messages and angelic energy healing too.
I began working with my guides daily through meditation and intention. They revealed my life's purpose and mission and shared with me techniques to heal, to grow, to expand and to connect on a deeper level.
They have shown me how to help others re-establish their own unique connection and receive their own divine guidance. This is my mission. This is my purpose. I am truly grateful.
I look back now, and I realise, my guides never went away. I have always been divinely guided; I just wasn’t ‘open’ to that possibility. I wasn’t aware.
Now that I am fully open, I never feel alone. I make better decisions. I am more courageous and braver. I am able to tune into my feelings without fear. I keep moving forward and I embrace every challenge as a lesson.
I understand the ascension process, and I embrace every opportunity that leads to growth.
I want everyone to experience this! When we recognise that we are always divinely guided, everything is possible.
Knowing that everything is possible I am now embracing a new venture. Another part of my mission is to help families who have children with additional needs. Having experienced the difficulties first hand, I recognise the need for more support. Watch this space as I create my charity ‘Spaces to thrive, with George.’